Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Raging Haruru Falls

We really have had a very wet rainy Spring, last week we literally had 3 days of just constant heavy pelting rain. On Monday morning we ventured over to Haruru Falls to see what the river was like after it all. 

Usually the waterfall is fast and raging but this day it was even more so, you can see in the video above how brown the water is, there were plenty of logs and branches going down the current.

We had a look at the opposite end where there is a campsite next door, we weren't allowed to drive in there so we stopped at the rest area instead.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday, Through my lens, Tuesday Treasures, Travel Tuesday, My corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


At Home In New Zealand said...

Wow, listen to that water. The Falls were so quiet and peaceful when I last visited them.

Fun60 said...

The extra rainfall has made a massive difference to the waterfall. Exciting and frightening at the same time.

Tigger's Mum said...

Wow that's a lot of rain!

Susan Heather said...

I imagine all the falls around Whangarei were the same. We have had so much rain.

Bill said...

Lots of rain turns up the volume and speed of the water flowing. The rivers here are like that too. I like watching them when they do.

William Kendall said...

What a torrent.

NCSue said...

We've been in a drought so would love to share a bit of that rain! Hope you came through it well.
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/the-return-of-butterfly.html

Photo Cache said...

We need more rain here in California. Enjoy your rain.

Worth a Thousand Words

gz said...

That is a river meaning business!!
Our rivers are playing that game here too

Iris Flavia said...

3 days of rain, awwww.... Nice to see you :-)
Wow, yes, that water sure is brown.

NatureFootstep said...

I love waterfalls. Would have been nicer without fall, but great anyway. :)
Re your question on the antlers.
Yes people take them home. I was about to do that too, I checked them out a few days ago, but the head are still attached to the body and not pleasant at all. Maybe in the spring, if they are still there, the birds and other small animals might have cleaned them up. If so, I will take them. :)

Tom said...

...rain can be a good thing, but too much of a good thing can be disastrous.

klara said...

mighty nature!

local alien said...

That's a lot of rushing water. Quite a sight

Pauline said...

Wow, I've never seen the falls that active! I drove out of my way on Monday to have a look at some local falls after all that rain but couldn't get close enough to see them the ground was so boggy. Glad you got some good shots!

Veronica Lee said...

That certainly is a lot of rain!

The sound of the gushing water is pretty scary!

Sharon said...

You can certainly tell from the color of the water that it's rushing heavily.

Einari Sinappi said...

Well, hello Amy! Nice to see you. :)

Veges, eggs and crochet

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