Last week we drove out to nearby Opua to buy some fishing supplies. We had recently been out in our boat only to have our anchor get stuck on one of the rocks under the boat causing us to lose it. We checked our local fishing store but they didn't stock them, only a shop in Opua had them so we ended up buying a new one along with some hooks, weights and new rope. I spotted two people fishing but not sure how good they got on as the water was so brown after all the rain we've had lately.
Have any of you been trying to cut down your time on social media? I've been trying to wean myself off for the last few days, just so much negativity and vile comments being made. People sadly think it's ok to bully others.
Linking up with Skywatch Friday.
16 comments: require more patience than I have!
Blogging is my only venture into social media. I don't like using Facebook or Instagram or any of the others.
I never use it apart from Blogger, gave it all up years ago too many people using it for the wrong purpose
I quit all social media years ago and haven't missed it one bit. Blogger is the only I do anything on these days. The people are nice and friendly. Facebook, I can't stand it and it's just a huge waste of time. I deleted my accounts and haven't regret it.
Blogger is really the only one I make a good deal of use out of.
Why do people have to leave nasty comments. They could just move on but have to leave their mark. I've noticed a lot of YouTubers discussing their trolls.
I left Facebook years ago. Couldn't stand the negativity. I like Instagram. Post a photo, a few words and most People just give like and leave it there.
I block any followers I don't know
Ingo loves fishing, too, when being at the ocean on the jetty (hahaha, "Corinna").
Must be great from a boat. I always only grab a book.
Hmmm, I see no negative posts on "my" FB. Or I blend that out. Why do people do that? The same reason as those who put tags and graffiti over beautiful murals, I suppose - dumbness and jealousy?
We have been seeing a few articles on the rise of trolling and nastiness in social media since the COVID pandemic kicked off. There are theories that lack of face to face contact and social groupings means people don't get regular reminders of socially acceptable limits etc. There have also been studies on how the social media algorithms can rapidly lead folk into increasingly nasty or biased opinion sites from a fairly innocuous like on a rant that they might identify with in a time of uncertainty and stress. Next thing you know they appear to be supporting extremist vile stuff. My MIL went so far down one of those rabbitholes, after starting out as a fairly mild Brexit supporter, that she ended up reposting all sorts of white supremacist crap. Her grandchildren blocked her which kicked off a major family row before she could be made to see how vile was the stuff she had been reading and promoting.
Must be very lucky to catch anything in those water
My only activity in SoMe is Blogger. I´ve had some comments that are actually ads and I´ve blogged them out. If someone would Google my real name it knows only dozen - or so - namesakes. Nothing on me and I couldn´t be more happy about it. :)
My social media is mainly instagram and I just post regular photos there, many of which end up on my blog. I resent people politicizing instagram.
Facebook got very nasty and I put myself largely to blame posting political content and I regret that. I quit posting political content after the January 6th insurrection. I have also rid myself of divisive sites and groups and my facebook feed is very boring now, I am proud to say.
So twitter is still political but it doesn't seem so personal.
So what I have learned is that you have to make social media work for you. I was doing "hot takes" on every thing that annoyed me before.
I'm guessing anchors are expensive! I'm somewhat addicted to social media, but I stay away from posts that are political. No good ever comes from them!
Good sky.
Besides blogging (I'm only on Facebook with a limited number of well-behaved friends, so I don't usually get all that much of nasty commenting (as long as I refrain from exploring the comment sections of public posts of politicians etc)
Is photo-blogging social media? (LOL, all my blog friends are perfect!!) Really that's about all I do -- I stay on Facebook but pretty much only to look at my great-grandkids (their mother's pictures) and the activities schedule on the closed page for this RV Park/Resort here in Florida. Hardly anything else even shows up any more when I log on and I'm happy with that. Never joined Instagram or the other stuff.
Oh I really came to say I understand totally about boat parts and the way you lost your anchor. The thing we've had to replace too many times is the propellor because the river around here can be quite shallow. I enjoyed catching up with all your posts.
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