Spring in Kaikohe

While we were in level 4 lockdown alot of my non-urgent clients were paused but luckily I was able to keep working by travelling to Kaikohe for 2 weeks. There is a client out there who has a brain injury and sometimes my manager asks me to cover her usual carer so that's where I've been.  One morning I stopped to take a photo of one of the trees that was covered in pink blossoms. Spring is here.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Terra said…
How fun for you to have spring approaching as the tree blossoms promise. We are headed for fall here in California.
Susan Heather said…
I thought of you this morning when reading an article in the Northern Advocate about the wonderful murals in Kaikohe.
Bill said…
Your seasons seem to change a lot faster than ours. Nice blossoms on the tree.
Tom said…
...spring is always a wonderful time of year.
Tigger's Mum said…
Look how neat that all is - clipped grass, clean footpath, bright sign post. It's like a model countryside!
Graham Edwards said…
That reminds me that in a month or so I would have been in Napier and it's streets lined with blossom from all the jacaranda trees. I so miss that.
Jocelyn said…
Beautiful trees.
the words spring blossoms just makes me smile
A pretty spring shot. I noticed the trees on our street are taking on just a hint of fall color.
Pauline said…
Thanks for the reminder to just stop and appreciate the signs of spring. I've been letting the wet weather stop me and that's just silly.
Fun60 said…
I must admit I am not looking forward to winter this year. What with Covid still on the rise and flu just around the corner and the dark nights. Moaning over. You are right to stop and look around and take joy in what you see.
Iris Flavia said…
Oh, lucky you, it´s beautiful!
Greetings and Salutations! We are experiencing Fall leaves of many colors here. Glad Winter is ending there and Spring is happening. I am a caregiver to my husband. I am glad you are helping out. Lockdown! Yike. We are being asked to wear masks inside again in Illinois. In Wisconsin masks are not required at least in the rural areas not sure about big cities yet. Sigh.
I didn't realize you'd changed careers Amy! A beautiful drive to this client. Your skies always seem blue and cheerful thouogh. In any season.