Tuesday, 10 August 2021

KFC now delivers

Seen in Mangere, South Auckland - I think these are just about everywhere now. Not my thing though.

So....car news. A month down the track and I still don't have my stolen car back. The police had it for 3 weeks, the mechanic's has had it for a week and today they only just took photos of it for the insurance company. I'm on the verge of going Karen on them...frustrating.

Linking up with Our World TuesdayTravel TuesdayTuesday TreasuresThrough my lensMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The pandemic has changed the normal way a lot of places do business. People got used to delivery and /or parking lot pickups for groceries and takeaways; I will be surprised if that changes even if we ever get rid of corona. (that said, I agree with you that KFC can deliver their meals to somebody else, not me!)

Taken For Granted said...

KFC is not my favorite place to get food. Sorry to see this American chain has invaded your beautiful country.

Iris Flavia said...

I like the chicken fillets - but our KFCs are too far away (I won´t walk 5km for that, LOL!)
Shoot with your car, that´s a shame!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

KFC is not my thing either Amy :) That seems like an unnecessary length of time for the police to have your car, fingers crossed you get it back soon ✨

Tigger's Mum said...

KFC has been in NZ for about 5 decades at least - I recall it being a rare treat as a kid (loved their coleslaw). A few decades later I tried some in Portsmouth England and swore I would never touch it again. My word it was vile stuff (whether that was KFC per se, or that particular establishment I will never know and won't be making any effort to find out).
Who is Karen? May I assume she is known for public tantrums?

local alien said...

Hope everything moves a little faster for you and you get that car to drive.
Oh those poor Karen's. My sis in laws name is Karen. I'm not brave enough yet what she thinks of this new meaning of her name 😅

William Kendall said...

I can see that being frustrating.

I haven't had KFC in years.

Tom said...

...I like it, but rarely have it!

magiceye said...

Wonder what's taking them so long to return your car! Some intriguing mystery perhaps?

Sharon said...

KFC is everywhere! I'm hoping you get that car back very soon.

fredamans said...

Nowadays there is just so many better fried chicken joints around. Shame though, they used to be the best!

Fun60 said...

KFC making deliveries doesn't make a difference to my life but the shortage of certain things on the supermarket shelves due to Covid is frustrating. I would also be losing patience by now having to wait so long for the return of the car.

carol l mckenna said...

Hope yo get your car soon and that is in good condition ~ KFC used to be popular in the USA ~ now hardly see them ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Pauline said...

Shows you how much notice I take of signs at KFC. I hadn't noticed that sign. But maybe it's only in Auckland? Doesn't matter to me either way, I live too far from the nearest outlet.
I do hope you get your car back soon, as good as it was before the incident. It must be so frustrating for you having to wait for so long.

Veronica Lee said...

Yep, KFC is everywhere!

I pray that you get that car back soon.

Happy Wednesday, Amy!

Yvonne said...

Personally, I've always liked my fried chicken better, as it contains real spices one can actually taste :) Sorry about your car. We had one stolen once when we lived overseas. It was a lot to deal with.

betty-NZ said...

I like KFC but the closest store is about an hour away in New Plymouth.

Sorry to hear about your car. Hope it all get straightened out soon.

Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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