Thursday, 24 June 2021

Big Bad boys

Seeing as I'm now in Kaeo every week with one of my elderly clients being a farmer I thought it funny to share this. 3 rather big bulls standing in the middle of the gravel road staring at me in my car, I didn't dare pass them in case they kicked a dent. It wasn't until they moved slightly and a car behind me drove past them that I made my move. Very passively they looked at me with the expressions of "how dare you disturb us enjoying the sunshine". Normally beasts like this are best left alone.

So I've been meaning to get my first Covid Vaccine for over a month now, frontline and healthcare workers have been among the first to be eligible for it. Yesterday I finally told myself to quit mucking around and got it, I walked straight in instead of having to pre-book. Apparently New Zealand mainly ordered the Pfizer one so apart from a sore arm I'm ok, 2nd dose has been booked for a month's time.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Tom said...

...road block!

b.c. said...

i love seeing these bulls on the road:))

and good luck with the second dose, it kinda hurts a little more the second time around but its not really too bad...

magiceye said...

Cattle on the street is quite a common sight in India 🙂
Good to hear that you have taken the 1st jab! Stay safe.

William Kendall said...

I've got my first scheduled after the weekend. I've had no end of issues with my provincial website.

Terra said...

Your photo of the bulls shows them in a tranquil mood, but I would have waited to drive past them too. Imagine if I was on a bicycle, I would have waited a long time.

Iris Flavia said...

This sure made me smile big.
We had a Nissan Patrol LWB with a huge bull bar in Australia.
I saw the cow stumbling and stopped in time. She galloped off in fear (come on I stopped the car! No worries!).
You sure had a different situation, LOL.

I was astonished how big the cow was when she "fell". Our car was a massive 4-wheeler and she was tall! (And yes, we really did "need" this car once in a while - no bullies here).

Veronica Lee said...

Even the bulls in your corner of the world look different from ours! Haha!

I just love visiting your blog, Amy!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That is a lovely shot Amy, the light is gorgeous. I probably would have been a wee bit nervous to pass them too 😊 well done on first injection, not long for me to have second shot.

Sharon said...

Your photo made me smile. They do look like they don't want to be disturbed.
Congrats on your vaccine. I got the Pfizer one too and same result, nothing worse than a sore arm for a day or two.

Bill said...

No bull there. you stop! :)

Tigger's Mum said...

That's a really lovely bucolic scene - it would make a great painting too. The light and shadow play is great.

carol l mckenna said...

Oops ~ what a road block ~ neat photo ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

NatureFootstep said...

those boys don´t seem so bad. But, of cpurse, I don´t really see their glance :)
Glad you got your vaccine. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

They were rather large bulls, and I agree best to let them be until they move on their own. So glad you were vaccinated!

Jim said...


Thomas Lee said...

Yah, bad boys trying to block the road

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm glad you got your first shot!! The side effects are not near as bad as getting covid. Here in Oklahoma, some people won't get the vaccination for political reasons. I don't understand!!

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! Glad you were careful going around THAT road blog. LOL! My husband I both had our vaccine shots. Glad you received your Covid-19 shot. Be safe.

Klara said...

what a sight. :-)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Congrats on your first dose! I agree with your comment about "best left alone". I wouldn't challenge them!

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