Monday, 24 May 2021

Kaikohe Cycle Trail Mural

There are alot of cycle trails around the far north that are extremely popular. This mural on the back of a building in Kaikohe was painted in 2018 by artist Dallas August and blessed by local Kaumatua Ted Wihongi. 

Linking up with Mural Monday.


William Kendall said...

That is pretty.

kwarkito said...

it's a beautiful painting. Maybe not the easiest way to ride, but the symbol is nice.

Tom said...

...cycling has become very popular here too.

Martha said...

Very nice!

Bertiebo said...

Showing the joy of cycling, cycling together

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It looks like it would be a great place to ride, Amy.

Klara said...

pretty, not often does one see trails as subjects. I would like to cycle that one :-).

Sami said...

Pretty mural, soft colours. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Amy.

local alien said...

Looks like a great cycle trail. Out of the noisy town. Great mural again

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love it!

DawnTreader said...

Lovely mural :)

Bill said...

Very pretty mural. I like the soft pinkish colour with the blue.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh it really is a wonderful mural Amy, so delicate, the pastel colours are so perfect, I love it 💙💗

Iris Flavia said...

When you just fell in love ...

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