Cooling down

Photo of Lake Aniwhenua, Bay of Plenty

I'm pleased to say the heatwave is over and although January is usually our hottest month of the year we have noticed that mornings are starting to slightly darken and nights are cooling down. Although my birthday isn't until mid March, B bought me a new tablet on sale so that I can do more reading so I've been busy downloading books.

I'm looking forward to a change of seasons so I can get out and explore new places when we go on holiday in this space 👩

Linking up with The Weekend Roundup and Weekend Reflections.


local alien said…
I've never heard of this lake, I think. But there seem to be a lot of places I've forgotten.
February is usually a freezing month and then we have two of the best months of the year.
Thank goodness your heatwave and s over
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Nice picture, love seeing water. I use a Kindle to read books on
What a lovely reflection photo. Have a great weekend.
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
That's a beautiful lake. A vacation sounds wonderful.
Bill said…
Beautiful photo and reflection.Have a wonderful weekend.
William Kendall said…
A wonderful reflection.
Susan Heather said…
Isn't the cool lovely. I have always thought of February as the hottest month - hope not this year.
Iris Flavia said…
Great pic and I hope for a heatwave come spring/summer.
Yay for surprise-pressies!
I think the weather has been teasing us Amy - it looks like we are heading into another hot week here, and I did so enjoy having cooler temperatures for a while.
PerthDailyPhoto said…
Oh how lucky you are Amy, we're still in the middle of it and February is usually our hottest month 😱 Lovely serene reflections here 💙