Thursday, 3 December 2020

Christmas tree competition

Last night I drove down to one of our local real estate offices where they have a Christmas tree outside on the pavement covered with lights, apparently our town is holding a competition for all local businesses to see who has the best decorated tree. I'll try and take some more photos of what other shops have up.

We have had alot going on here, 2 days ago on the 1st of December was officially our first day of Summer and I'm wondering what this season will bring. I'm hoping that our neighbour Australia doesn't have bush fires this year as bad as last year. 3 of us have been down with a nasty flu and we've had to take time off work. I heard through a friend that her baby has it and the place I use to work has alot of their workers still at work sniffing sneezing with the same thing. It makes me wonder why people insist on going out and about when they are sick, surely in this age of covid you would expect them to be a bit more conscious. Our government is planning on extending the annual amount of paid sick days from 5 to 10 - I'm pleased about that. 

One thing that has been a surprise is that B and I have been talking about a possible move to Perth in Australia. His daughter has been living there for about 3 years and has just bought her first house. The house prices here are astronomically high, the average 3 bedroom house in our town is about $600,000 and you have to have a decent deposit to buy something like that whereas the one she bought is roughly half that amount and it's very nice. We will see what happens with Covid over the next year but we will still look into the logistics of it even though it would be a major move...

Lastly I have to introduce you to an animal friend of mine. One of my clients that I visit weekly has a Black Labrador named Cleo. Recently Cleo's mum was in hospital having an operation and when she came home I bought a soft toy whale for her to play with (Cleo not her mum). Each time I go there she insists I throw it around for her outside and gets very excited.

Kia kaha, linking up with Skywatch Friday and Timeless Thursdays.


Stevenson Q said...

Oh that is a beautiful tree Amy! I love the idea of a Christmas Tree competition! Before, there is a Christmas street lights competition between our Barangays (smaller units within a city) and it was beautiful to see other entries (our are usually the tackiest even if our Barangay is so small and can easily be decorated HAHA) And thank you so much for Sharing Cleo!!! She is such a sweetheart!

At Home In New Zealand said...

A Christmas tree competition sounds like a cheerful way to ramp up the festive season :)

William Kendall said...

There is a grouping of Christmas trees each year in one of our hotels, though I'm not sure if it'll be done this year because of Covid.

Fun60 said...

You do like to move around Amy. I thought you were settled where you are now. As you say though, if the houses are half the price then it is worth serious consideration.

Amy said...

Well we don't like to move around, our last move was out of our control and we do like it here but it's gotten to the point here in NZ where house prices are way way overpriced. It's just gotten crazy. If we stay here that's fine though too

Susan Heather said...

I was just reading about wildfire warnings for here in New Zealand.

Bill said...

The Christmas tree is a beauty. That's sounds like a fun competition and great for businesses to get the locals in their stores.

Tom said...

...I find it a bit odd to seh Christmas and palm trees together!

Amy said...

WIth you being in NY Tom I'm not surprised, we live in a part of NZ that has very mild temperatures, no snow here, too warm for that and we are having Summer while you're in Winter.

Sami said...

A Christmas tree competition sounds exciting. Let me know if you do end up moving to Perth, or if you need any info about Perth. We've been here almost 14 years and love it.

Sharon said...

That Christmas Tree contest will be fun. From all the pictures I've seen, Perth looks like a wonderful place to live.

local alien said...

A xmas tree competition is a great idea. We need something like that here just to go a little bit overboard. Perth is the only Australian city I have visited, several times. Loved it. A bit hot in the summer but it is here too. Lovely river, parks, beaches. Keep us updated!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your Christmas season in the summer reminds me of Florida! A more traditional US holiday season for us this year ..... No wonder that dog loves you!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely Xmas tree for the season and love that lab ~ ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

carol l mckenna said...

Amy ~ testing ~ checking did you get previous comment ~ Great tree for Xmas and love the lab!

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I like the red and white lights on an angle

eileeninmd said...

Hello Amy,

The Christmas tree is pretty. It is nice to have the extra sick leave available. The Labrador Cleo is cute, they love playing fetch. Take care, have a happy day!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the lab!! Housing prices are high everywhere it seems, except where I live in Oklahoma, USA.

Lady Fi said...

Great lab! My sister lived just outside Perth for ten years. She really liked it. And she could afford a huge house with a pool.

Graham Edwards said...

I have relatives in Perth and some years ago spent time there. I loved it. Indeed I preferred it to Eastern Australia. However it is exceedingly remote. Which is not a judgement because I have never been able to decide whether I think it's a good or a bad thing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How exciting Amy, you will love Perth I'm sure ✨ I'm having a bit of trouble getting enthusiastic about putting my Xmas tree up this year, but I will 😉

s.c said...

Nice combination or must I say good composition of tree and signs. About your saying on my blog the more you walk outside with a camera the more you get those unexpected encounters. It happens.


Photo of a part of Greymouth near the Grey River taken around 8pm at night so not many people around. It's been a funny week so far. I...