Saturday, 21 November 2020

Wooden you know it?

 I was out with my daughter walking through town yesterday and we spotted this wooden type Christmas tree outside the local Florist shop, someone has created this version which is probably easier to put out on display and bring back inside again. I've been trying to figure out my own Christmas lights, I've put up 2 lots, one of each of the backyard fences but I have a really really long one that I accidentally broke so B fixed it for me but it still won't work. Seeing as my lights are about 2-3 years old and I didn't really pay that much for them I might just order a new set next week.

So masks have just been made mandatory on all public transport here in New Zealand but because our town is a bit too small, we don't have a local bus service so I wonder how bus drivers will monitor people wearing them or not. I feel sorry for them. 

Lastly I don't know if anyone else has been receiving spam comments about boomers, I've been getting them for quite some time and I have to say they make me roll my eyes back into my head while laughing. I think whoever is leaving these comments needs to do their research a bit better into what a boomer actually is. The phrase was created by one of our kiwi politicians, Chloe Swarbrick about people who were born anytime before 1965. Since I wasn't born until 1971 that makes me a Gen-X so the comment that is being left is a bit redundant and stupid anyway. I've been marking them as spam and deleting them. I think the person needs a hobby.

One for Weekend Reflections.


William Kendall said...

That's creative.

I occasionally get those spam boomer comments. First, I'm not a boomer, I'm Gen-X. Second, whoever that is, is a complete gutless coward.

Amy said...

agree, bit of an idiot aye?

Tigger's Mum said...

It appears to be the same comment pasted on every blog (those I've seen on blogs that don't moderate) so it's composer doesn't even have the imagination or creativity to tailor the comment to the blogs he/she/it targets.

Tigger's Mum said...

Those non-tree trees are turning up all over the place. The best part of a real Christmas tree is the scent. The Tigger loves pulling baubles off and batting them about the lounge.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I thought it was a load of trash at first, not my cup of tea I'm afraid. I'm a boomer and proud of it

carol l mckenna said...

Very creative Xmas tree put together with wood ~ seems people are decorating early ~ Like Auntie Mame ~ 'We need a little Christmas this very minute.' ~

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Amy said...

Yes my partner is a boomer too, it doesn't worry me personally and the wood xmas tree isnt my thing either but I did think it was quirky.

local alien said...

I like the wooden tree but I would use more Xmas colours. That is a great store Deco.

Iris Flavia said...

Love the title.
Yep, mandatory since months. In summer (ours, so... July) I went to my Bro. 1 hour plus with mask, ugh! One way!

The boomer. A sad person. I deleted that comment oh so often with the same look on my face.
Not very creative. Or clever.
Hubby was born 1965 and might even fit in the range. And hence I know... he was not spoiled at all.
Me 1972, boom(er)-fail!

Sharon said...

Yes, I've gotten the boomer spam too and I am one. I'd say that person has some serious issues.
I haven't been out to any shopping centers in a long time so I haven't seen the Christmas decorations up yet. This will be a different Christmas this year.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love creative Christmas trees such as your find.
I have yet to see my first Boomer spam comment. I get lots of boomer talk from a young friend of mine. He calls Covid the "Boomer Doomer" and the hour that some stores set aside for older people as the Boomer Hour. It's all in good fun.

Bill said...

Creative Christmas trees are popular. Everyone wants to be different these days. :)
Boomer spam, I just got one the other day, I laugh and just delete. I can't imagine the life these spammers live, must be extremely boring.

Graham Edwards said...

I've had baby boomer spam mail for years. Technically I'm not a baby boomer either. The Wikipedia definition is people born between 1946 and 1964. As I was born before the baby boom I claim exemption but the spammers want everyone to hear their words of hate. C'est la vie. I can cope with the mentally challenged but I dislike the explicit stuff which was targeting some of us but fortunately now seems to have been caught by Google.

NatureFootstep said...

I agree, this looks great and I like it. A great idea :)


  Last week my daughter and I decided to check out a new op shop that had opened in town. It was ok, she bought a few things but I didn'...