Monday, 23 November 2020

Kaeo identity murals

On the side of the Kaeo 4 square (for those who don't know what this is, a 4 square is like the local store or dairy where you can buy groceries in small amounts) there is this mural I've had to photograph in 2 pieces because of it's long length. 

 This one was painted by local Whangaroa High School students depicting the town's local history and identity. From ocean life to people through to the Maori culture of the area the mural is 2.4m high and almost 15m long. 

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Sharon said...

Those high school students did a fantastic job. This is wonderful.


Buen hallazgo, en un interesante lugar. A veces cuesta trabajo fotografiarlos, sobretodo cuando están en callejones estrechos en donde no te puedes retirar mucho para fotografiarlos.

Ha sido una buena idea, fragmentarlo en dos fotografías.

Bill said...

That's an impressive mural with beautiful colours.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are lovely murals, Amy. I also learned what a 4 square is, too, since I'd never heard of them before. These high school students are really incredibly talented, too. Beautiful photos of two great murals.

Tom said...

...the students did a great jobs.

Bertiebo said...

Nice work. It seems to me work of students is always well done

Tigger's Mum said...

Very professional job by those students. I hope it reflects well in their lives after schooling, not jsut that they are good at design and execution but that they have though deeply about the history and culture of the place.

Iris Flavia said...

Impressive work!

Sami said...

Fabulous work done by the students on this huge mural.
Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Amy.

Pisi Prkl said...

Fantastic Mural!

local alien said...

More might murals. Am amazed at the talent

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's pretty cool!!

Fun60 said...

Very talented students.


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