Saturday, 7 November 2020

QR codes everywhere

 Here in NZ in every single business/taxi service/public transport the new law is that a printed out QR code for that place must be clearly visible at the entrance. The idea is for people to download the App onto their cellphone and scan the code so that if there is a Covid case at that business then the people who were there that day can be easily traced and contacted if there is a need to get tested and self-isolate. Apparently it's helped alot when positive cases have arisen. I've seen people not bother to scan themselves in but I try to do it whenever I can. If people don't have a cellphone, the business is also meant to have a printed out form that people can fill out with their name. Most businesses also have hand sanitiser at the door too for people to use. We don't want Covid back.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections.


William Kendall said...

I have to scan myself in whenever I go into work. It's not that hard to do.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have that type of track & trace here now, I have it on my phone but feel it is not much use out of your area.

Amy said...

yes agree, but I think alot of people forget to do it now that we are in level 1.

carol l mckenna said...

Great info post ~ rather like 'Big Brother is watching.' ~ hmmm ~ good to track the covid, though

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Tom said...

...since I have a flip phone this isn't important for me.

Taken For Granted said...

This is a fine reflection of the scene behind you. Well seen and photographed.

Bill said...

Great idea to keep Covid at bay!

Susan Heather said...

I always scan when I go into shops etc. but not many people seem to. It would be so easy for Covid to be brought up here by someone and hard to trace if people are not scanning. I hope they get the new cards sorted as a lot of older people do not have smart phones and with both systems working it should make it easier to trace people if needed.

Pauline said...

I notice there are fewer and fewer people scanning in around Whangarei, Amy. And didn't notice a single person doing it when I was in New Plymouth recently then I heard on the way home about the case there of the port worker. I think it's important to not become complacent.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

This looks like a good idea for helping track.
What a cultural difference. People in your country are willing to do what it takes to control the virus. Here, I've had facebook friends announce that they will not cooperate with virus trackers so don't bother putting their name down and indeed here in Oklahoma the trackers say that 80% of the people they contact refuse to talk to them. Sometimes I think our whole country is going insane.

Iris Flavia said...

We at least have sanitisers in most shops.
Germany, so not advanced...

Graham Edwards said...

We now have a QR code for the Island's businesses but it has some teething problems. All the cafés take name and phone number though anyway. However the Island is Covid-19 free and we take it more seriously being a small community that the people in the big cities do.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I have the app on my phone and it works really well. Very easy to use although sometimes I forget to do so.

Rhonda Albom said...

I always try to scan. I think this capability is the reason we are able to keep the community virus free. Even our nearby regional park has QR codes at the predator proof pedestrian entry gates.


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