Thursday, 5 November 2020


 This is our forecast for the next 3-4 days with a heavy rain warning included so I guess there will be no boating on B's day off which is Monday every week.  

The photo above is probably the last rainy day shot I got in Spring 2019 of a maize field in Wellsford. Maize is usually a very popular product to grow here in NZ by farmers on dairy farms adding value to the farm's feed supply as well as extracting soil nutrients from high fertility effluent paddocks and it's used as a break crop in the pasture renewal process. After the maize has been harvested the farmers sometimes let the herd in the pull up and eat the leftover roots.

Last night we were watching the American elections and feeling sorry for the people - what a shenanigans. I can't believe people want to riot if their candidate isn't elected - I guess I better stop complaining about our political system. I was talking to some cousins and we are wondering why someone younger with more modern ideas doesn't step up and run for president, why not a female? Why does it have to be 2 old men? 

And it's our Guy Fawkes here today but due to the rain I think it'll be very quiet which is a good thing, I'm all for public displays - there are just too many idiots around. We don't bother buying fireworks anymore, most of them are pretty cruddy budget ones being sold.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Susan Heather said...

I agree with you on the fireworks. Let's just have public displays.

Tom said...

...that's an amazing foggy image! It's worth waiting for the election results!

Amy said...

The news results here say the race is close but they are betting Biden for president.

Pauline said...

That's the most romantic looking maize crop I've ever seen, Amy. It's lovely.

local alien said...

A misty NZ morning. Bet the sun came out later!
Sorry to hear it won't be shining for a few days right now. Boating has got to be on your horizon soon. It's almost summertime. May fish start leaping into your boat

Graham Edwards said...

I've never quite understood why New Zealand celebrates Guy Fawkes. I prefer organised firework displays at New Year.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful shot! I never knew cows eat the roots!

I agree very much with you about the two old men.
Just look at the chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz - he is 34 years old.

I didn´t know about Guy Fawkes, interesting.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We grow lots of maize here as well.

Amen as to why two old men are running. All the congressional leaders are old also.

We need people with new ideas. So tiring.

Bill said...

Beautiful capture, Amy. I love the foggy mist.

eileeninmd said...


It is a pretty foggy scene. Our weather has been similar. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

At Home In New Zealand said...

The weather cleared last night and it seemed all the neighbourhood were suddenly letting off fireworks. Our poor cats hated it.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Shenanigans sums it up perfectly. I feel embarrassed at how low things have sunk here. Beautiful photo!

b.c. said...

i love foggy misty scenes like this...and, thanks for feeling for us over here... :)

Lady Fi said...

Love the image! Trying to ignore the fiasco going on in the US...

Amy said...

Personally I think public displays are much safer these days, I'm with you on that one.

Amy said...

We've been watching it very avidly here in NZ, keeping up with every update.

NatureFootstep said...

I love your image of the maize field. It is so beautiful with the mist.

The is a shame for the people in the US as it also is for the people of the world. :( Sadly it will affect the entire world in one way or another.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful image Amy.. maize, the crop that keeps on giving 🌾


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