Monday, 13 July 2020

Tane Mahuta Mural

Last time I was in Ohaeawai and opposite the hotel is this mural on the back of a shed also masquerading as a corner shop. Named "Tane Mahuta" it was painted by Sean DuffellTane Mahuta is located in the Waipoua Forest, our country's largest Kauri tree. In most nature walks where there are Kauris there are also cleaning stations where people need to stop and disinfect their shoes before walking through to the pathways.

According to Maori mythology Tane is the son of Ranginui the sky father and Papatuanuku the earth mother. Tane was the child who tore his parents parental embrace and once done set about clothing his mother in the forest we have today.  All living creatures of the forest are regarded as Tane's children.

Linking up with Monday Murals.


At Home In New Zealand said...

Lovely mural. He really captures the majesty of kauri towering over everything else.

Tom said...

...thanks for the interesting history.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The mural is lovely and I enjoyed learning the forest origin story. Are the cleaning stations because the Kauri trees are endangered ? Because shoes bring in invasive plants?

Amy said...

yes you are correct :-) there is something called kauri dieback disease which is infecting the trees being traced back to people shoewear.

Mae Travels said...

That’s really a neat photo. The light is beautiful.

be well... mae at

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a beautiful mural and I enjoyed learning about the backstory of the Kauri forest.

Bertiebo said...

That's very nice and thank you for the mythology lesson

Iris Flavia said...

Interesting, if sad, yet clever. And a beautiful mural, too.
And public toilets - a huge lack here.

Sami said...

Interesting story about the mural, it's quite beautiful Amy.
Thanks for participating.

Tigger's Mum said...

Interesting stylization (is that even a word?) - I do need new glasses but on first glance thought he had painted deck chairs under its spreading branches!

Graham Edwards said...

When I saw the post title I recognised the words but just couldn't recall why. Fortunately you pointed me in the right direction. I blogged on my New Zealand blog about the Waipoua Forest when we went there in February 2010. Tane Mahuta really is quite something when one is standing near it's base.

Teresa said...

This is a cute mural.

Klara said...

interesting post, I needed some googleing. and the info about cleaning stations was new to me.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I see what you mean about place name pronunciation! Loved the mythology.

Bill said...

A beautiful mural and an interesting history. The mural looks great in that light.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful mural Amy, enjoyed hearing a little of the Maori mythology 💜


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