Saturday, 2 May 2020

Contactless deliveries

There are alot of business all over our country who were able to open up this week strictly for online orders and contactless deliveries.  These signs were written up outside one of the local restaurants.

And this one is a local florist down the road from me - with people still wanting to buy products it seems to be the most popular and safe option at the moment.

Unfortunately it hasn't been the same everywhere - eating places such as Burger Fuel, McDonalds, KFC etc were able to open their drive through services but people have been in such a huge rush to buy food that they have forgotten the 2 metre distancing rule. My 2 adult children went back to work Tuesday night and there were lines of cars going down the roads and around the corners - you would've thought that they hadn't eaten for a month.


Tom said...

...touchless with a personal touch!

Susan Heather said...

Perhaps some of them hadn't eaten for a month.... Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of people these days who live on takeaways and can't cope without them. The queues were ridiculous.

Susan Heather said...

p.s. love your header photo - can't place exactly where it is taken from - I thought Orakei but not sure.

Amy said...

hey Susan, the photo was taken from the top of Mount Victoria across to Rangitoto, one of my favourite views.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I am kind of liking the contactless transaction. We do that for almost everything we buy now including groceries. Just trying to minimize the risk you know.
Not everybody is buying into it. Lots of people are rebelling now. Some idiots are now saying that using masks is an Islamic plot. Some people make me so tired.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I thought it rather sad that so many people were in such a rush to buy takeaways again. What have they been living on all these weeks?

Amy said...

Who knows? We very rarely have takeaways, most of our meals are made from scratch so we weren't really hanging out for any of it.

Amy said...

Very strange people's ideas about masks isn't it? I worked in dentistry for 5 years so I know masks definitely work provided they are used properly.

Graham Edwards said...

I think I last bought a takeaway (fish and chips from the local chippie) on Lewis over 30 years ago however sometimes in New Zealand The Family decided that fish and chips would be a good idea on a Friday Night (I usually cooked at The Cottage for The Family on a Friday) if something was on and I couldn't cook.

Rhonda Albom said...

I have been doing contactless grocery pick ups for about a month. I don't care for fast food or takeaways but I guess some people are addicted.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's certainly a familiar sight Amy, it'll be a wee bit strange when things return to normal, but I think 'really' normal will take some time ✨

Sharon said...

I've notice long lines at the drive-thru windows here too.

local alien said...

Your takeaway lines even reached our evening news. Takeaways are still available here but we never use them.
Would like a decent coffee though

Bill said...

Our takeaways have been opened for a couple of week for limited hours but we never go. We just got the roadmap for our restrictions updated. We will be in lockdown until May 18th and then the 2km limit will be extended to 5km. The people from age 70 and up will be allowed to go outside. They had been staying in cocooning. Then every 3 weeks after that, the restrictions will be updated as long as the numbers go of infections goes down. At least we have something to look forward to now.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

carol l mckenna said...

Great photos of strange times ~ MA ~ everything still closed until May 18 sigh.

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Susan Heather said...

I love the toadstools. I have never been up Mount Victoria. Must try and remedy it some time.

DawnTreader said...

I very rarely buy takeaway food except on holidays, so I haven't been doing that now either. I buy most of my groceries with home delivery from the supermarket, every fortnight or so, but I was in the habit of doing that even before the corona situation broke out. I've only made a few very brief visits to other shops over the past couple of months - and then checking first to see that there weren't too many other people in there already...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

In ordinary times we would occasionally order a Pizza and sometimes on grocery shopping days I would bring home sushi ...that’s about all the take away we’ve eaten for years and years. But we did used to enjoy going out for a sit down dinner occasionally. I don’t know if we’ll ever do any of those things again now.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...