Thursday, 13 February 2020

The end of Summer in sight and I couldn't be happier. Our town is quietening down now with only a few holiday makers up over the weekends. Apparently we are meant to be having 2 cyclones coming over the country in the next few days, one from Vanuatu and one from the south and it's meant to be only grazing over us - pity because we still need the rain.

We haven't heard about the rental properties we applied for yet, must be in short demand because the other half said the last 2 he looked at had another 6 lots of people there as well as him. My daughter has been sick with a flu, but she's on the mend now - I started feeling like I was coming down with it yesterday so when I felt freezing cold it was strange being dressed up in winter clothing huddling on the couch under a blanket but today I seem to have come right again.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


William Kendall said...

Hopefully you get more rain than expected.

At Home In New Zealand said...

The trouble is we really need good steady rain, not cyclones, and there is none on the horizon yet. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today, as it is never any fun being sick. Good luck with the house hunting - it seems to be difficult to find places wherever in the country you go, unless you are willing to pay an absolute fortune for them.

Rhonda Albom said...

Rain would be nice but I'm not counting on it. I think the South Island will get it (and they really could do without it.)

local alien said...

Hope you're still feeling ok. You need to do a rain dance. Though it would be better if you were actually dancing in the rain lol

Billy Blue Eyes said...

My mate in Sidney just had rain so I can olny home you get some too. We are in for our second storm this weekend with even more rain

Sharon said...

I have my fingers crossed that you get a good downpour!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty view and sky! I hope you have some much need rain and stay safe from the storm. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend.

Graham Edwards said...

Well I'm glad you've come right again.

However your title made me recoil. When I lived in New Zealand and Scotland I used to leave New Zealand as Autumn got under way in April. Just about now I'd still be in my element on the lawns in 30ÂșC.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shot. Glad you feel better. I heard the flu going around is bad this year.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...