Saturday, 15 February 2020

Bits and pieces for the week

And the drought continues....we were meant to have 2 cyclones visit us this week - one coming from Vanuatu and the other from the South but unfortunately they are going to spread their rain and wind onto the South Island of NZ who really doesn't need anymore moisture due to recent flooding.

We have a water delivery due on Monday, luckily we ordered it over a month ago - good timing as water carriers are no longer taking orders.

And the Coronavirus seems to be creating some issues here, as far as I know we haven't had any confirmed cases here but many asian kiwis have been ostracised which is sad because people really need to open their eyes and do their research into things like this.

Valentines Day came and went here, the other half and I don't normally take part in it, to us we do things for each other throughout the year. We think it's important to show we care all the time not just one day of the year. What are your thoughts on it?


William Kendall said...

A beautiful view.

I admittedly dislike Valentine's Day, for a lot of reasons.

Ratnamurti Saraswati said...

Well I don't have a partner, but yes, show we care always not just "special" times. Is that a beach near you? It looks lovely

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, I can't image having to order water months in advance. I hope the drought breaks soon. I love Valentines Day. I know lots of people who think like you and your husband do and I understand it.

The Corona virus is pretty scary. Too bad people are ostracizing others for no good reason.

kwarkito said...

Well I hint of you and I hope the drought will end. These climatic disturbances all over the world are of increasing concern. Here we don't have winter, but unusual storms. Nevertheless, I wish you well.

Susan Heather said...

I just checked the weather and we have an 80% chance of light rain on Tuesday. Let's hope it eventuates. We don't do anything for Valentine's Day either. It is just designed to make people spend money. Like you, we do things for each other all year.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a beautiful view, the water color is lovely. That virus is scary, I feel for the people stuck on the cruise ships. I hope you get some much needed rain. We did not do anything special for Valentines, we did take a walk on the fire road. Enjoy your day, happy weekend.

Sharon said...

Wow, I was really hoping you would get some much needed rain.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

But showing you care on Valentines day adds to your love

gz said...

We are having the same problem here in Scotland as Southland (,and England even more so) Storm Ciara having soaked everything and flooded many...and Storm Dennis adding even more rain.
We usually give each other a little something extra on Valentine' doesn't have to cost anything...however with arriving back from Aotearoa New Zealand, jet lag etcetera....we didn't!!

Rhonda Albom said...

We had a lot of wind in Auckland yesterday but no rain. What a shame. Still hoping for rain later on this week.

NatureFootstep said...

weather is strange nowadays. We had 2 years of dry weather and now we have "rainseason" instead of winter :( I hope you do get rain soon. You need it downthere.

Fun60 said...

It must be awful having to order water and worrying if you are going to run out. It is the opposite for us here with 350 flood warnings issued throughout the country. Five red warnings which means there is a danger of death.The ground here is sodden and cannot cope with more rainfall. I do not live near a river or stream so I should be OK.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How frustrating to miss out on the rain Amy and glad you put your order in early. I'm with you on Valentine's Day, it really has just turned into a huge consumerist occasion that we don't buy into.. year round fun is much better ✨

Amy said...

yes it's our local beach, it's about 5 minutes away :-)

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...