Friday, 31 January 2020

We have a decision!

So....we have a decision on where we will move to. The other half had a talk with his area manager who has given him the go ahead on moving and working back in Kerikeri. We are stoked! Yesterday I drove the 2 hours there and back to look at a rental property, we have applied for 2 so fingers crossed we get something. There were quite a few people viewing the one I looked at so obviously I think rentals are hard to come by up there.

On the way back I stopped in Moerewa to take a photo of their local Otiria Marae. I have a thing for Maori Maraes - I just love the carvings and the artwork on the buildings.  I never go straight onto a Marae, it's like someone barging into your own house without being invited - I always take photos outside the boundary, it's more respect than anything.

The history of it is that in 1950 Judge Pritchard of the Maori Land Court opened the war memorial hall, on the left of this photo. The tablet on the outside is dedicated to the memory of the pakeha and maori men who gave their lives for their country. 3 years later the work began on the Marae - the carvings were begun by Eramiha Kapua and finished by Hori Waititi. Governor General Sir Bernard Fergusson opened it in 1964.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Jim said...

Good luck.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

good luck with the rental - interesting history too

local alien said...

Yeh for Kerikeri.
I love your Marae photos. Fascinating hearing their history too

At Home In New Zealand said...

So happy you finally have something definite to go on. Hope your hunt for a good rental goes well and you can soon be settled in this lovely place.

Stevenson Q said...

Fluffy clouds tell that it's a clear sunny day! Love this one. I know it's summer out there in NZ, stay hydrated :)

Stevenson Que

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I clicked on the Kerikeri link. It looks wonderful!! Congratulation on your decision, and fingers crossed you get the rental you want.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Best of luck with the move and getting your place to live and I hop eyou find yourself a job as well

William Kendall said...

Good luck!

Susan Heather said...

Good luck with the rental. Will you go back to NW?

Rhonda Albom said...

I was just up in Kerikeri and found the great gluten-free restaurant (Santeez). I'm jealous.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shot! And what good news!

Serenata said...

How wonderful for you, I am quite jealous! If I was ever able to return to NZ that is where I would want to live. I always visit Kerikeri each year when I come over to visit my parents. Sadly I can't come this year, at least not at my usual time. Hope all goes well with the move.

Graham Edwards said...

The Doctor who treated me when I first came to the Isle of Lewis and to whom I owe my life now lives in Kerikeri. As you'll know from past comments it's a town I love.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well done Amy I knew you would make the right decision for the family. Fingers crossed that you get the rental you're after. It's lovely that you respect boundaries when taking certain shots, so many people don't these days ✨

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy for you on your transfer and hope you find the perfect home. Enjoy learning more about the Maori culture.

carol l mckenna said...

Wishing for you to get the rental you want ~ and lovely photos ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...