Monday 13 January 2020

Mint Floral

On our scorching hot day in Whangarei last Friday I happened to be in a nearby park and saw this artistic creation on the side of a building. 

According to their website they sell award winning flowers and gifts for occasions such as weddings, sympathy, birthdays and gifts - I'm not really a flower person but I quite liked these candles and aromatherapy products. I like to sometimes light some incense or some lavender oil in my burner at home - smells so nice and my skin dries out quite alot so I'm always using hand cream.

Apparently in 2016 and 2017 the owners were awarded the Northland Business Excellence Award in Retail for "customer choice" so they must be doing something right.

Linking up with Mural Monday and Our World Tuesday.


Rhonda Albom said...

I love the mural. It has a nice island theme.

Tom said... first I thought that I was in Maui. Beautiful.

Mae Travels said...

Advertising murals can sometimes be very creative, like this. Good find!

best... mae at

William Kendall said...

Quite photogenic.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That beautiful mural just invites you in to explore the store! I love flowers, not so much candles. Of course creams and bath products...sounds like they have something for all of us.

Susan Heather said...

Have often driven past it when parking but never been inside. Must think of it next time we need to buy flowers although I usually make up bouquets from our garden.

Bertiebo said...

that's well done!

Iris Flavia said...

Happy colors! Like Tom, it reminds one of Hawaii!

Sami said...

Looks pretty, love all the flowers and bird. Welcome and thanks for contributing Aimz.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Quite a mural that

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the lavender scent too. Pretty mural. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Fun60 said...

Catches your eye immediately.

Rosie said...

I do like that mural and would have liked to go into the shop too. Thanks

Photo Cache said...

At first glance, you'd think Hawaii too.

Worth a Thousand Words

Sharon said...

That mural is very appealing. Sounds like a good business.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

The colorful mural would make me want to go inside and shop. I burn candles during the winter. The scents and bright flames brighten the Pacific Northwest's dreary winter days.

Graham Edwards said...

Well I like their mural and I like flowers (rather more than scented candles).

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That was a lovely discovery on a scorching hot day Amy 🌸

Tanya Breese said...

Great mural!

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