Sunday, 5 January 2020

Country Life in Summer

On Friday when I was at work I noticed the sky outside for most of the day was a sort of gray colour and the clouds were filled with smoke, most likely from Australia - so sad those fires are still going.

Sadly though our sky in Northland and for most of the North Island is orange... We are just fortunate here that although the grass everywhere is dry and each day is as hot as the one before, we haven't had any major fires.

Now that Christmas and New Year's is over my hours have dropped from full time to part time of 2 half days per week so it's not really enough but it's better than nothing at this point. While driving home on Friday I stopped at the intersection of Wellsford and Tomarata and saw this sign that has recently been put up. One good thing about living in the country is that local farms quite often sell produce from their driveway, they usually have some sort of honesty box nearby to put money into. This week the other half managed to buy me a bag of ripe avocados as I practically live on them.


Rhonda Albom said...

Yes, the sky down by us is quite grey/orange and dull. What little sun that poke through this morning was orange. I wish for cooler temperatures, low winds, and rain over in Australia.

local alien said...

Love the way people still their produce this way. It's a great way to buy. My father used to sell courgettes and green beans this way. And I don't think he ever lost out through the honesty box. Most people are honest

gz said...

We have just had decent soft rain in Whanganui...enough to decently wet things.
Everywhere needs this, not heavy rain, but steady drizzle, summer or not

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do not envey you having the smoke, bad enough when some one lights abonfire in the garden here. Love to be able to pick my own peaches.

kwarkito said...

I like thes pictures, especially the first one.the landscape seems so peaceful despite the heat and the dryness. It must be a strange sensation, that feeling of the catastrophe nearby, when everything seems so quiet.

Sharon said...

The fires in Australia are horrible. It is so sad to think about all that destruction. I bet the smoke is causing all kinds of problems for both people and equipment.

DawnTreader said...

It's sad about the fires in Australia - and that the effects are noticeable all the way over in NZ too.

Fun60 said...

Thankful that the fires have not reached NZ. I can't imagine having to cope with so much loss and devastation.

William Kendall said...

Even if it's a long way off, the smoke from such fires can travel far and wide.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It’s so scary those fires. I hope NZ remains safe and hope for cooler temps and rain for both. I see those roadside stands sometimes in Oregon to stop...there was one with flowers last summer. .... a bagful of avocados sounds heavenly!

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...