Friday, 27 December 2019

Back to Ruby Bay

Aren't you glad Christmas is over and done with? We had a relaxing Summer's day with my family around for lunch. As it's Summer here at this time of year the last thing we eat is hot food so usually we have a mixture of salads, cold meat, cold desserts and drinks. I hope yours went well.

Anyway during our travels in Nelson last week one place we stopped at was Ruby Bay about half an hour out of town. When I was growing up I was very very close to my nana and at the age of about 10 she and my grandad flew me down here to visit my aunt. While we were there they took me for a visit to this beach and I vaguely remembered picking up a white sparkly rock while I was there. Over the years somehow it got lost so 35 years later the other half re-visited there and although it was an overcast day I found another rock to replace the last one.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Graham Edwards said...

I'm not very good with rocks I'm afraid unless it's sandstone, limestone or gneiss. I'm wondering, though, if it could be flint or calcite (a constituent of limestone). Sorry. Not much help really.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love you sharing your memory of that long ago trip. My niece and her Aussie husband are in Australia celebrating Christmas with his parents. I love the photos posted of swimming parties.

Jim said...


doodles n daydreams said...

I think your rock is quartz but I'm not an expert. I just remember seeing quite a bit of it on the beaches on the West Coast when I was a kid and being told that's what it was.

Small City Scenes said...

Interesting. We have a beautiful beach out here called Ruby Beach---kind of interesting, eh?

Susan Heather said...

I have a white sparkly rock that I picked up near Fox Glacier about 50 years ago - it has grey running through it rather than what looks like brown in your rock.

local alien said...

I visited Ruby Bay when I was about 10 years old and remember it's wild beauty. Have no idea about the stones though.

Sharon said...

How fun that you found a replacement rock. I don't think I can identify it but it does look like a coating of crystalized salt on it.

William Kendall said...

I have no idea.

Light and Voices said...

I have no idea but isn't it nice that you found a rock to replace the other rock lost 35 years ago. Amazing!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It’s lovely to have the memory! Happy New Year!

Lady Fi said...

Bet you're glad to have found the rock!

Rhonda Albom said...

Sorry, no, I don't know what kind of rock that is. It is great that it brought back memories.

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