123 Grafton Road

See that lovely old villa on the left? Located at 123 Grafton Road in Auckland City it was once derelict, falling apart with rotting windows and joinery. Now it is being used by the Falling Apple Charitable Trust who purchased it in 2013 with the intent of promoting culture, art, music, education, health, sustainability and well-being in the community.

The restoration includes help from 250 volunteers both local and from abroad and according to my research the villa was built around 1882. It was owned by a George William Basley and his wife Frances - it is mostly made of Kauri. Originally governor William Hobson purchased the land in 1841 with local chiefs Kawau, Tinana and Reweti Tamaki signing the deed of sale.

Over the years the property was passed between different owners until in 1976 it was sold to Housing NZ where it was used as a boarding house, a drug rehab center and privately rented. In 2011 it was placed in Auckland City Council's heritage list and is now being tastefully restored.

I don't know if you've heard about the fires sweeping through Australia at the moment but apparently 1 of them was started by a 12 year old boy and the rest (over 50 of them) are the result of long dry weather with no rain, please if you can say a prayer for them.

Linking up with My Corner of the World and Skywatch Friday.


gz said…
Good to see that. Too much beauty is just swept away
carol l mckenna said…
Love to see old buildings restored ~ great shot with the magnificent blue sky ~

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
betty-NZ said…
I'm so glad to hear that another historic place has been saved. Thanks for the history on this building. I find it quite interesting.
Many prayers for Aussie.

I'm glad to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World
William Kendall said…
Good that it's been put to new use.
Club Crafteria said…
Looks great, well captured.

Following your wonderful blog now. Invite you to visit mine, and good if you follow too :)
Serenata said…
Loving your blog and different posts of old haunts that are familiar to me. I particularly enjoyed seeing Snells Beach from a previous blog post as I used to live there! I used to work in Warkworth (and Wellsford) but had heard it had changed a lot and was very busy now.
PerthDailyPhoto said…
So happy to see this lovely old villa being looked after and used Amy. The fires are horrific, even more so when deliberately set.. gosh a 12 year old, that's beyond shocking!
Sharon said…
That's a beautiful place and it's wonderful that it is being restored. I love it when Places like this get saved.
I have heard about the fires. Fires have become a huge problem in so many places.
local alien said…
I'm glad there is a trust to save those old properties. Is Lauri still used in building? It's a beautiful wood.
Those fires are terrible. So many people in danger and their homes. They are in my prayers
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
Sorry about the fires, I did not hear that so thank you that information.
That building is awesome. It looks so old and is beautiful.
Bill said…
That's great the building is being restored. I read about the fires and they are the worst ever according to some news outlets. Hope their is relief for everyone soon.
Pauline said…
Hi Amy, Having a catch up on your blog. You post such varied and interesting stuff. I enjoyed reading the history of that old building. So glad it has been restored to its former glory.
eileeninmd said…
Hello, it is a lovely building, I am glad it is being restored. I hope and pray everyone is safe from the fires and you have some rain. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.
I loved to see old buildings restored and re-used.
Graham Edwards said…
It was good to read the story of the old building. The dreadful fires in Australia are, I think, in the minds of people all over Britain who will be sending positive thoughts. England, on the other hand, is suffering from flooding on a scale rarely seen before.
Indrani said…
So good that the old building is restored. Great pic for SWF!
Have a great weekend.
Lady Fi said…
Nice old property. Such a shame about the wildfires! Can't believe one was started by a kid!!
I love to see old homes and properties restored. Too often they are torn down and replaced by new construction. I'm so sorry to hear about your fires.
Aimz said…
Thanks but they are in Australia not in nz. 😊