Saturday, 27 April 2019

Visitors in the garden

Every morning the other half puts a line of breadcrumbs and any rice leftovers we have on the grass at the back of our garden. He's had to be careful about where he puts them because we use to get greedy seagulls coming over making a mess on peoples roofs and creating lots of noise. At one point we found a letter in our letterbox from one of the neighbours asking us to be careful which was somewhat amusing.

Each day it seems we have regular visitors. The photo above this is of a male Tui who sits high at the top of our neighbour's palm tree singing for a mate, each time I go to grab my camera he flies off so I've had to be really quick. This one above is one of 3 thrushes that come up to our bedroom ranch slider when we first get up. They stand there and look at us as if to say "hey, where's our breakfast" - they seem such friendly things.


local alien said...

How lucky to have a tui in your neighbours tree. They are beautiful birds and I would love to hear their song again

William Kendall said...

Wonderful captures.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice to see you do the same, Lucky we do not get seagulls in the gardene but we get the next worse thin. Pigeons though they are very wairy as our dog will chase them out.

Bill said...

Nice captures. We have lots of seagulls that fly by everyday on their way to the fish processing plants or at the fishing boats coming into the harbour.

Re your question about the ships, they were fishing ships. The harbour changes everyday depending on which ships come in and go out.

Lowcarb team member said...

These are very nice Amy, thanks for sharing pictures of your garden visitors :)

All the best Jan

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They are so sweet Amy. We feed the birds too and the corellas can be really noisy while waiting. I wonder if our neighbours get fed up 😊

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You are taming your wild birds with your delicious breakfast offerings! That tui is an interesting bird! (Funny getting a note from the neighbors....gulls would seem to me to be a part of living near the Coadt.)

Rhonda Albom said...

I've been lucky as there's enough bush and fruit/berries around our house to attract heaps of birds ( Tuis and wood pigeons).

NatureFootstep said...

I´d love to have those visitors around :)


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