Tuesday, 26 March 2019

The spell of Mayor Island/Tuhua

In Tauranga is a wildlife refuge named Mayor Island - Maori name is Tuhua meaning "Spell" and I can understand why. The photo doesn't do it justice but the water colour is see through green and blue. The island has a history of volcanic upheaval and the best feature of the rock is the black Obsidian which was used by early Maori for cutting and scraping tools and also for weapons.

These days it is owned by local Iwi and you can only visit/step foot on this island with strict permission. Some of the birds that live there are bell-birds, tui, wood pigeons, morepork, fantail, kaka, grey warbler, waxeye, kingfisher, pied stilt and kingfisher.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Must be a wonderland to explore.

Lady Fi said...

That blue water is lovely!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful place.

local alien said...

Beautiful. Such clear water. I know Mayor Island only from a silhouette on the horizon. Interestong once again. Thanks

NatureFootstep said...

Nice. I have a few pieces of Obsidian. Very nice, I love them :)

Fun60 said...

What a beautiful place.

Photo Cache said...

So very blue. I love the feel of this island.

Worth a Thousand Words

Sharon said...

This sounds like a truly magical place. It would be so great to be there to observe all those birds and see that gorgeous turquoise water.

betty-NZ said...

Sounds like a great place to visit. Thank you so much for linking up to My Corner of the World this week!

Calendula said...

I'd like to be there! Beautiful!

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