Thursday, 21 February 2019

Tropical Cyclone Oma

This is where we take our boat, out at Opito Bay a favourite place of ours. This is the other half's work ute launching it off the boat ramp. This week we have rain which is sorely needed here, so many people who live rural and have huge 10,000 litre tanks for rain are starting to nearly run out and farmers need their grass to grow for cattle. We have a cyclone forecast for this weekend but at this stage we don't know whether it's heading for us or Australia. Either way I"m sure it'll bring some much needed relief.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Call that a Pickup truck, goo dthing to two with. What do the use 10000 litre tanks for?

Amy said...

well here if you live in a rural spot away from town they use the huge water tanks to connect up to the house and that is their drinking, shower and washing water etc with a filter and pump attached. If you live in town like we do we are on town supply.

William Kendall said...


Oma is the Dutch word for grandmother.

gz said...

You'll probably get more rain than us...but hold onto your hats anyway!!

Graham Edwards said...

Good luck with Oma.

Sharon said...

I used to live on the Mississippi River so I remember seeing people taking their boats in and out of the water like this. Good you hear you have some rain but, I hope that cyclone doesn't cause any damage.

Jim said...

Hope it doesn't cause any damage. We're getting rain in Sydney this week too.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I hope you get some much needed rain. Pretty view! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!

Photo Cache said...

Nice to hear that you had the much needed rain, just like we do around these parts. So long drought.

Worth a Thousand Words

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like a beautiful place to launch a boat. Enjoy the rain!

Lady Fi said...

Lovely spot! And thank goodness for much-needed rain.

Bill said...

Beautiful spot to launch your boat. Hope the cyclone doesn't do lots of damage. Rain is always welcomed when you need it. Have a great weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

I hope you did get some rain, we need some too. :(

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A cyclone sounds like something scary to me ...I’m such a weather wimp!

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