Sunday, 11 November 2018

Watch those neighbours

On our last visit out to Opito Bay, we were walking along the beach next to the only road in and out of there and saw this sight peeking over once of the fences. At first I though that maybe they were watching us because don't get many people out there but it took us a minute to realize that these are actually painted heads to give people that feeling they were being watched. Quite funny really!


Susan Heather said...

How Neat.

Graham Edwards said...

I would like to try that some time!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's hilarious Amy, and a wee bit creepy too 😀😀

local alien said...

Love it!

Bill said...

That is hilarious and they even got a dog too. :)

Sharon said...

Now that is funny! I bet it works well.

William Kendall said...

I like those!

Fun60 said...

How funny. I thought they were real.

carol l mckenna said...

what a fun photo! Neat!

Happy Veterans Day
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

betty-NZ said...

Neighbors with a great sense of humor!! Love it!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Even the dog wants to know what's happening

Photo Cache said...

Painted heads? No kidding!

Worth a Thousand Words

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

And here's me wondering how you had the nerve to snap a picture of these two as they watched you. Even after I read your words, I could still think they are real people!

Lady Fi said...

LOL! too funny

Noke said...

Sehr lustig auch der Hund will alles sehen.


Sprint car racing 2025

  Every year Greymouth's local car club holds street sprint races around the roads in the CBD. There were people scattered around behind...