Sunday, 21 October 2018

Take me home country road...

Along country roads just out of Kerikeri, this scenery greeted us last weekend. Perfect Spring blue skies, a hint of a breeze in the air. Instead of driving to one destination we just kept going. This gravel road looks out onto the Pureroa Peninsula coastline - can you see the sheep in the distance?


William Kendall said...

What a glorious view!

Wayne said...

I love cruising roads like this, especially on a motorcycle (although the gravel would be a challenge)

Susan Heather said...

Lovely - it feels as thought summer is here.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very nice to see, makes me want to go there

Bill said...

A fantastic view and a nice road to walk to the water.

Martha Z said...

Such a peaceful scene.

mick said...

Beautiful and it makes me believe some places - at least - still remain as I remember them from many years ago. Thanks for sharing

Lady Fi said...

A lovely scene.

s.c said...
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s.c said...

Indeed a photo like a song.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gotta love a road that leads to the water Amy ✨

betty-NZ said...

I love the scenery here in New Zealand. It usually looks quite serene and has many different things to see, if you look closely.

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