Friday, 28 September 2018

Oromahoe Historical Church

Along the way on my fascination for historical buildings and churches we found this one about 15 minutes out town recently. The Oromahoe Church is owned by a trust and is next door to a Marae. It's about 120 years old and situated on land in a very country-ish area. According to the Papers Past website the church was built around 1880 but there aren't any further details.

Now when we find a Maori church we never immediately enter the gates. We are not of that culture so a huge amount of respect and caution is necessary - it's like barging into someone's home, we would prefer to be welcomed or invited there, we were unable to enter and see the inside.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


William Kendall said...

It's a beauty.

Jim said...


rupam sarma said...

Beautiful church.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very nice church though I can't see why you can't go and visit. I visit all churches I can though I'm not ofnthe same religion. Why is it different there?

Lady Fi said...

Such a gorgeous church!

local alien said...

Another beautiful old NZ church. Maybe they'll have an open day on the marae so you can see inside. Don't know if that is possible. . I saw once they did that on the Maungatapu marae

Susan Heather said...

Have visited Mahoe Cheese many times but never been off the main road to either the school or the church.

Joyful said...

Lovely old church.

Amy said...

because Maori customs are very different than European customs. They have tapu (sacred places) such as cemeteries and churches and it's better to have the blessing of a Maori person than going without that.

Photo Cache said...

I like the blue dome(?). I mean I don't think I have seen blue domes (outside of Santorini) often.

Worth a Thousand Words

Bill said...

A gorgeous old church. It's great to have permission when dealing with another culture. Respecting their culture and them, I know is greatly appreciated.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That looks like a beautiful and historic church! Beautifully photographed, too. Enjoy your weekend!

Rhonda Albom said...

Great find. I agree with asking permission to enter a Maori church or marae.

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