Crisp fine Autumn morning

I'm enjoying this fine crisp Autumn morning. Pilot Bay here in Mount Maunganui is normally a hive of activity but at the moments it's quietened down as it gets cooler. I have one down with some sort of weird flu and I'm hoping the rest of us don't get it. How's your week been?

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


I love the way the tree tops are reflected in the fence tops !
Beautiful shot and looks like a perfect morning for a walk! Nice how the pines are staggered with palms along the waterfront.
Lady Fi said…
Looks lovely!
Jim said…
Great clouds.
local alien said…
Wonderful line of Norfolk pines. Get well soon
kwarkito said…
this place seems really enchanting. I wonder how the scents are there.
eileeninmd said…
Hello pretty view and sky. I hope you feel better! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
Wayne said…
You'd never know fall was approaching, it still looks summer-like.
NatureFootstep said…
seems very fresh. Makes me want a deep breath :)
Maria Rodrigues said…
Beautiful place.
Have a nice weekend
Maria from
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Bill said…
Beautiful crisp photo and a fantastic sky. I really like the way the trees are lined up. Hope the flu thing doesn't spread.
I hope you are all better by now. Love the waterfront picture ... our kind of place!
PerthDailyPhoto said…
Super shot Amy.. aren't these autumn days the best! Hope you're feeling better by now and that no one else caught it. It's a bad time of the year for bugs ✨