Monday, 2 April 2018

Langs Beach - I missed you!

This week the other half and I have taken a week off work to complete a tour of Northland, here in NZ which is the upper area of the North Island. I lived up in this region for 20 years but there are places I haven't been and I'm eager to show him some of my favourite places like this lovely spot...Langs Beach is somewhere I use to take my children to when they were growing up.

It's a regular feature to see a tractor towing a boat trailer away from the boat ramp. These gnarled trees line the whole beach as it winds around this part of the coast. They are great to sit or play on.

Such a neat view - the island in the background is called "Hen and Chicks". There is some great fishing in this area.

I have lots more photos to come...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very nice, is that a bit of tractor racing in the first photos

Unknown said...

that a bit of tractor racing in the first photos


local alien said...

Beautiful NZ beaches. We once camped at Langs Beach ... 50 years ago lol

Fun60 said...

What a delightful beach.

Amy said...

hi Bill, no both tractors had just taken their boats out to the ramp.

Amy said...

I'm sure it hasn't changed since then :-)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Lovely beach photos

Bill said...

What a pretty beach. You must have lots of great memories from living up there.

Graham Edwards said...

I loved Langs Beach. I'm pretty sure it appeared on my New Zealand blog several times. It's good to see it again.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I love the gnarled trees! Climbing trees was one of my favourite things when I was a youngster. That's a beautiful coastline you have there.
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Andrea said...

I love beaches in NZ, unfortunately i've visited or actually been into 3 on the way to the island.

On your comment about praying mantis in my post: Yes we have lots of them here too, and there are those who are almost permanent residents in an area of the plant. Have you seen my post when it actually ambushed a butterfly i was currently shooting? It is interesting but also a bit scary. I also watched one eating its mate while still attached at the abdomen, a bit yucky!

Lady Fi said...

What a gorgeous place!

Andy said...

Lovely scenery. It is no wonder you want to show it off to the other half.

Sharon said...

What a gorgeous beach! I can see why it would be a favorite. I love those trees.

Photo Cache said...

That is one beautiful beach.

Worth a Thousand Words

Powell River Books said...

Looks like a beautiful beach to visit. - Margy

William Kendall said...

Pretty views!

Rhonda Albom said...

I love the Pohutukawas along the beach. They do make some incredible designs with their branches and trunks.

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