Monday, 23 January 2017

Swells after the storm

We had a bit of a humdinger of a storm in the weekend and the morning after we ventured down to the beach that had washed up.

With loads of surf waves and rips in the ocean these signs warning people of the dangers of swimming in this weather were dotted along the beach.

We found loads of seagrass on the sand being pushed by the fierce wind and a few crabs here and there but mostly seaweed and broken shells.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday for this one :-)


Fun60 said...

Love the seascapes.

Rhonda Albom said...

I've been watching the whitecaps on the Hauraki during this last storm. There is lots of wind still about.

Wayne said...

I bet the surfers will be in their glory.

local alien said...

Great photos. Brings back lots of memories, those waves, the sea grass. Quite a storm! Look at that surf

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gulf waters are pretty stormy right now as well -- you captured the mood of the ocean really well in these pictures.

Photo Cache said...

I haven't been near the ocean during a storm, I wonder how that would feel.

Worth a Thousand Words

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely ocean photos ~ we on the MA coast are in the midst of a real N'orster ~ hight winds and rain ~

Wishing you a peaceful and happy week ~ ^_^


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...