Monday, 1 August 2016

Taaniko by Fin Dac

Most mornings when I drive past the Mount Maunganui vet centre this painting on the large wall catches my after getting curious I googled who the artist was. Apparently it was created by an Irish artist named Fin Dac who was here in NZ in January this year, the story that I found says he tapped into the local kiwi culture to make a themed piece called Taaniko. He found a model and created this mural which resembles both woman's strength and the loss of culture/heritage of the Maori people. I personally really like it, what do you think?


Pauline said...

Hmmm. Not sure if I really like it. I find it a bit confronting actually. But it definitely is eye catching!

Wayne said...

I think it's excellent. You can't just glance at it, you need to study it to understand the meaning. Beautifully done. Bravo!

Photo Cache said...

While the mural is nice, I thought it was odd that it's painted on a vet wall?

Worth a Thousand Words

Joyful said...

I like it.


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