Thursday 30 June 2016

Those dreary Winter days

This morning we finally got to see some sky, even though it was overcast it's better than those black rainy days we've had for the last week or so. If you look in the distance you'll be able to see fog rolling in over the hills.

The Strand along Tauranga's waterfront was lit up when I got there around 7.30am - the ground is so wet and saturated that even a bit of sun would help dry up the moisture.

This guy had the right idea, he was enjoying a coffee and reading a newspaper in a coffee shop on the corner. Hope your week has been more interesting than mine, sadly there's not alot of colour right now...

Wednesday 29 June 2016

While I was out walking...

In amongst the rainy days I managed to get out for a walk early Sunday morning, some snapshots of what I saw are as follows. Above, is the sunrise over the beach - someone was sitting at one of the picnic tables watching the skies.

Me looking out at the view of the ocean...

I have a thing for gates - the iron one above and the one below are at the front of two properties along Marine Parade (the road next to the beach). I just love the details and designs.

Can't beat Hibiscus flowers that are still blooming through winter - something nice to brighten up the dreary days :-)

Saturday 25 June 2016

Past Summer days at Mount Maunganui beach

Since it's so cruddy, wet and cold here I thought I'd take a look through my external hard drive and found these images that make me feel alot warmer - just thinking about the hot sand under my feet, the warm air and the sound of rolling waves is a nice change from looking out at rainy dark Winter skies. See that slightly greenish tinge in the second photo in the waves? That's sea lettuce that washes up at certain times of the year. I'd never seen anything like it and it really does look and feel like lettuce - very strange.

These ones were taken back in January - this part of the beach is not the busy part, apparently that's further down towards the left hand side nearer the shops, restaurants and cafes. We chose a less populated area...what's it like where you live right now?

Thursday 23 June 2016

Grotty Winter weather after a storm

It's been raining here the last few days, regular pelting rain - all fine and dandy if you're inside and cosy and warm but if you're travelling in it to and from work it isn't much fun.

On the way home this afternoon the sky was just starting to clear up so I snapped these photos of the Marina down opposite the Port of Tauranga where boats and yachts are moored. In the 2nd photo I think two of the small dingys have taken on a bit too much water as it looks like they are starting to sink - hope the owners know...

Wednesday 22 June 2016

The old Paparoa post office guest house

A couple of years ago while driving around Paparoa in Northland with Liz over at Mad Bush Farm we stopped at the old Paparoa post office guest house, quite an old building in those parts.  According to the information on their website the building is made of Kauri and has been in Paparoa since 1903. The historical Paparoa Cemetery is just up the road, Pahi and Whakapirau beach are also nearby as are some local cafes and the Cruiser Bar and Grill plus Sahara Restaurant are virtually around the corner.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Mount Maunganui Anzac War Memorial Cenotaph

I've recently started to get back into my morning walks, I've been quite lazy over the last few months so yesterday I ventured out around 7.30am and walked along Marine Parade past the War Memorial Cenotaph next to Mount Maunganui Beach. Every Anzac Day people and military gather at this spot to pay homage to our fallen soldiers and those who gave their lives for our country. The skies and sea look very peaceful and calming in this photo don't they?

Thursday 16 June 2016

Apartments and people at Mount Maunganui

Back when I first moved down here I was out and about walking around exploring the local area, we had just finished walking up Mount Maunganui and I was amazed at how busy it was not just with people exercising but with people meeting at the local cafes with their friends etc.

This photo was taken at the bottom of the track near the beach and the apartments in the background are quite high but they are on the corner of a very busy main road overlooking the beach and ocean with coffee shops and restaurants on the bottom at street level. Such awesome scenery but so close to all the local amenities.

What's the best thing about where you live?

Monday 13 June 2016

Lunchtime - Seagull style

One of those days where I got out of work during lunchtime and ventured out along the waterfront with my leftovers from the night before. This guy, like all Seagulls thought he'd come and try and sneak some off me. I don't think so Buddy :-)

Another one for Our World Tuesdays :D

Saturday 11 June 2016

Historical iron railings at Te Puke Cemetery

It seems I have this obsession over old historical iron railings quite often seen in cemeteries around NZ. These ones were dotted around in Te Puke Cemetery when we visited in mid Autumn recently. I just love the creativeness of them - I wonder who made them and when? What is their story?

Is there anything you love to take photos of inparticular?

Thursday 9 June 2016

Winter Paragliding at Mangawhai Surf Beach

Last weekend for us kiwis was Queens Birthday which means that the Monday was a public holiday, we drove nearly 4 hours up north to my home and spent a bit of time at the surf beach people watching.  Such a fine sunny early Winter's day, lots of people about one of which was this paraglider who was trying to catch a little bit of wind but I don't think he was very successful as shortly after this everything was packed away. Nevertheless we enjoyed our time away but as always it's nice to get back to where I now am.

For more Skywatch Fridays click here :-)

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Camping at McLaren Falls

I couldn't believe it when I came around a corner at McLaren Falls and saw this lone camper in the middle of a field near Rotary Grove. The air was so chilly when I was there that there was ice on the grass and leaves on the ground, I think they would've had a very very cold night there. Crazy!

Saturday 4 June 2016

My first fungi at McLaren Falls

It's not often I find gems like this but today at the entrance near Cherry Bay at McLaren Falls I was walking back to my car and spotted this small fungi against the fence. I'm usually on the lookout for mushrooms so I was pleased to at least see one :-)

Wednesday 1 June 2016

1st day of Winter, and what a chilly one it was

On the way to work this morning due to a late start I stopped off at our local beach with my camera to try and get photos of the sunrise. I snapped some different was extremely chilly, being the first day of Winter here in NZ so lucky I was wearing a warm cardigan. Despite the cold and the drizzle I thought I did quite well with these shots. I think from what I could see the dog in the last one was a playful Labrador who looked like he/she ws having oodles of fun.

Once I got to work I ended up getting two fillings done, one was an old metal filling from when I was at primary school years ago and the other was one that broke 2 nights ago. Very glad I work for a dentist so it was all completely quite quickly. Hope your week has been good so far ;-)

Hine Ora

  It's been a while since I've visited Westport. Last time we were there I spotted this hefty looking sculpture on the main street. ...