Sunsets at the beach after work...

One of the perks of living within walking distance of the beach is that we get to take deck chairs, our cameras and some refreshing drinks with us and relax and enjoy the scenery.

At the moment it's cooling down considerably, we can definitely feel the crispness in the air that Autumn brings but sometimes after work it's a nice change to be able to wind down with colours and skies such as these that we saw earlier this week. Such stunning work of art don't you think?

Hope your week has been awesome :-)

For more Skywatch Fridays click here...


eileeninmd said…
Wow, gorgeous sky. Sounds like a lovely way to spend the evening at the beach. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
Wow, such beautiful colours in your sky.
Buckeroomama said…
That is such a gorgeous shot of the sky. Stunning!
Chairs on a beach sounds perfect to me! Beautiful sky shot.
Photo Cache said…
That is just jawdroppingly gorgeous.

Worth a Thousand Words
Jim said…
Beautiful scene
Anonymous said…
Lovely scenery.
Rhonda Albom said…
What a wonderful sunset.
Laura said…
So beautiful!
betty-NZ said…
I am always astounded by the differences in the sky from day to day or sunset to sunset. Your shot is awesome.
Jarek said…
What beautiful sunset!