Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Winter lights at Auckland Museum

Last Thursday night the other half and I drove up to Auckland with his teenage daughter and two of her friends for a music concert. I was on the outer end of the flu I'd had all last week so I thought I was feeling better, but after dropping the girls off we headed up to the Auckland Museum -  one of my favourite places ever! This is somewhere fascinating and historical and it's somewhere I have been visiting since I was little when my parents use to take me, my brother and sister there for outings - and now my 3 teenagers love to go thtere too.

Unfortunately when I hopped out of the car I started coughing uncontrollably in the cold air so this was the only shot I got. If you look closely you can see a group of young people sitting on the steps chatting amongst themselves.

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Fun60 said...

The lighting makes it look beautiful. Hope you feel better soon.

Amy said...

thank you, I do feel alot better - am on the mend :-)

mick said...

Great photo of the museum, The lighting is really beautiful. Hope your flu/cold gets better soon.

Photo Cache said...

It's nice all lit up. Get better soon.

Worth a Thousand Words

Wayne said...

If you only got one, it was a great one. I hope you are felling better.

carol l mckenna said...

Marvelous night shot! Do hope you feel better soon!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Holly Myers said...

The lights give a mysterious theme!

Pauline said...

It's a great building and you caught it beautifully.

NatureFootstep said...

seem to be a great place. Love the architecture of the buildings and the lighting.

Why not link this post to my Catching light meme? If you want to check it out it is here: http://nfverk.blogspot.se/

Anonymous said...

What a pretty shot.

Rhonda Albom said...

I had no idea they light up the museum like that. This post made me realize I have never been there at night. It's beautiful. Sorry about your cough. Hope you feel better soon.


  Yay the water restrictions are now over. My daughter R and I were in town earlier this week doing some op shopping and we walked past this...