Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Shells washed up in the low tide

We are really enjoying summer here and my camera sure has been busy. Here's one I took in the weekend while i was at our surf beach with my younger son and his friend. If there's one thing I like about the beach it's the different types and colours of shells that wash up from the ocean. I had to lie down fully clothed in the low tide to catch this shot. Hope you like it :-)

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Jocee said...

A great photo from that angle. Looks like summer :-)

Jill Harrison said...

great shot - I really like this low aspect that shows us the close up of the shells. Lovely.
Nice to visit you from over at Communal Global. Wishing you all the best for 2015.

facile et beau - Gusta said...

great shot from this angle. The shells are so lovley. I like the sparkling of the sand too.

barbara said...

Beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing with Communal Global!
I'm your newest follower ;)

Pieni Lintu said...

Great shot!!!

Buckeroomama said...

Ahhh, we'll have to wait a few more months before we can hit the beach again... too cold right now!

Unknown said...

great shot!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful shot. What is that in the background? it almost looks like ice.

betty-NZ said...

Love this shot. It's simple yet gorgeous!

Molly said...

Oh my I miss the summer, i hope it heads back to this part of the world soon


CountryMouse said...

I do like it, love the get down low. I usually just squat and hold the camera down low though, maybe I should try the more relaxed approach rather than the looks like I'm squatting for another reason one.

likeschocolate said...

Jealous! Jealous that you are warm and I am freezing and jealous that you live so close to the ocean.

Jarek said...

That's great photo!

Veges, eggs and crochet

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