Saturday, 22 November 2014

A walk along the surf beach this morning

Usually each morning I take my dog Tia for an hour long walk around the streets near where I live. This morning we were greeted by sunshine and warmth so I thought a change of plans was in order. This is literally 5 mins from where we live, our local surf beach.

Tide was just starting to go out and shells were littering the beach, when I got there, there weren't many people about. I had to lie on the sand to get this shot.

One of the many types of coastal seaside plants that grow along the rocks and sand. This wee echeveria loves the dry conditions.

Love where we live, always something new to find :-)


DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow! Look at all those gorgeous shells!!! Great photos, beautiful scenery and the echeveria is exquisite.

Unknown said...

looks like a nice morning for a walk
love the look of all those shells

paul said...

This is such a beautiful beach - and well captured.

Amy said...

thank you, its my favourite too :-)

Amy said...

have you been to it? yes it's lovely isnt it

betty-NZ said...

I love your beach! We don't get a lot of shells here in Taranaki, but the ice plants abound along the coast.

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