Friday, 3 October 2014

Skywatch Friday - Stunning Spring Skies

I snapped this last night while driving home along Wayby Valley Road after doing some food shopping. Had to park in a farmer's driveway but I think it was worth it. Amazing colours after a big downpour of rain.

For more Skywatch Fridays click here :-)


carol l mckenna said...

Awesome sky shot with nature's beautiful palette ~ great drive home!

Happy Weekend

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Gaelyn said...

A sight worthy of stopping. Doubt the farmer would mind. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

I love that spring is coming to your part of the world.

Jim said...

Sydney – City and Suburbs

Karen said...

Oh, what a stunning sky!

Anonymous said...

Wow - just lovely!

Unknown said...

Awesome sunset ... beautiful, soft colours...


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