Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Our world Tuesday - Spring is time for Magnolias

This week I'm taking part in Our World Tuesday thanks to this lovely blog. Pink and white Magnolias are just blooming away here. You don't normally find these up by the beach, they tend to grow more in better soil which is why I found them down the road from where we live outside the property of one of the local recycling businesses.  These ones are obviously deciduous and only start coming out of their slumber in late winter/early spring. 

To take part in this like me you can click here...


Phil Slade said...

Hi Amy . You made me Google morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae), also called the Tasmanian spotted owl, as I'd never heard of it. Wouldn't mind seeing lots of those but I'm a few miles away. We do have magolias here thopugh, just like yours.

Amy said...

hi Phil, we're nowhere near Tasmania as that's in Australia - we're in NZ but I love them just the same :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, what beautiful photos, so clear and crisp (which sounds like the wrong word but it's the one that comes to mind). Do you mind if I ask what kind of camera you have? Our World Tuesday is a neat idea, and more lovely photos to enjoy. Thanks, Rachael

Amy said...

hi Rachael, I have a very basic panasonic point and shoot which is a type of camera I hate, it's too basic for what I want, however I"m saving up for either a canon or a nikon DSLR.

magiceye said...

Superb captures!!

Amy said...

thank you :-)

Ileana said...

Beautiful! I love magnolias! :)

Kayger said...

I love Magnolias! There was a massive pink one at our old home and since then I've always wanted to plant one here. But they grow so big and we don't have the space... :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Amy. You know, I had a feeling you were going to say something like that, you obviously have a great eye and a real knack for photography.

Amy said...

thanks Felicia, and thanks for your help :-)

Amy said...

me too! when I buy my own house I'd like to own some magnolias.

Amy said...

thank you - me too :-)

eileeninmd said...

The Magnolia blooms are beautiful. We have some growing in the woods next to my house.. Lovely photos, have a happy day! Thanks for visiting my post.

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