Monday, 2 June 2014

Late autumn colour - lots of leaves & abandoned buildings

Time for some updates seeing as I haven't been here in a while. It's very rainy & damp here - typical Northland winter weather. I've been out and about taking photos of some of the lovely colours which I'll share as follows:

Autumn leaves hanging off the guttering at the local Mangawhai church in the village.

My feet in amongst the leaves on the ground outside the church. They were very crunchy and crackling sounding but I just love this time of year.

This abandoned looking house is also in Mangawhai village but I've since found out that people are occasionally seen living in it. I like the way it's covered in ivy and leaves.


betty-NZ said...

I don't know if you know about winter any place else, but NZ winters are awesome! Love your photos. We don't have many fallen leaves here in Taranaki.

Amy said...

Hi Betty, I've been to Taranaki before, it gets way colder there than it does up here but then in saying that it's a kind of dry cold which is totally different to what we get.

Anonymous said...

Fall is my favorite season in New Zealand! It's a great time to visit because it's technically the off-season but the colors and weather are great. I love the pic of your shoes in the leaves... very iStock of you! Your photography is getting better and better.. you have a natural eye. Keep it up my friend!

Amy Proctor


  Yay the water restrictions are now over. My daughter R and I were in town earlier this week doing some op shopping and we walked past this...