These eco-friendly car chargers are cropping up everywhere all over the country for those people who have electric cars. Not my thing but whatever...this one taken in Darfield near Christchurch just before Christmas.
It seems the west coast is one of the few places including Auckland and Northland around the country getting a proper Summer. But now the North Island has just had minor flooding and excessive rain. It is so dry here that the grass in my backyard is starting to go brown. We need a little bit of rain.
Linking up with Skywatch Friday, All Seasons and Tom's signs.
Our next car will be electric so I keep noting where they are so that it will be manageable. And we won't be buying one from you know who. Ick. #Allseasons
We have one in our town.
...they have become a common sight here.
The chap with an apron mural is rather eye catching
These are getting common now.
Cute charger. Ours are plain - and pop up everywhere, too. I would not drive such a car. If there is a thermal overload it takes forever to get the fire out, I think the technique is not really ready yet?
Nice weather for sure.
If I had the money I would like to buy an electric car. But not a Tesla.
Not a thing here. Most unusual.
It's good to hear that more are available
Pretty cool looking car chargers. I'm not ready to go EV, but I think there's a hybrid in my future. Teslas are extremely popular where I live.
We have lots of them here. I understand that the faster you want your car charged, the more you pay. So casinos, museums, and some coffee shops have them. So you have something to do while you are waiting around.
That's the first time I've seen Cheeky Charlie appear on a charging station. We appreciated the recent rain up north but need more. The countryside has been looking quite dry.
Hope you see rains soon
The overall photo looks so colorful.
Worth a Thousand Words
One does see them here.
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