Saturday, 4 January 2025



One from Auckland on the corner of Karangahape Road (K-Road as it's known). One person walking their dog along the busy street and one to the left on his cellphone. It's been stinking hot here so far this Summer. We bought a blue plastic paddling pool for Bug, my daughter's dog but so far the cats have shown more interest in it than she has.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I like the overhangs over the sidewalks. Many of the old downtowns here have them and it is a nice touch.

James said...

Nice street photo.

Bill said...

Must be uncomfortable standing there in the heat looking at his phone. Much rather be walking the dog.

magiceye said...

Nice street candid photo.

Veronica Lee said...

Funny how cats always take over.
Hope Bug decides to give the pool a try soon!

s.c said...

Indeed nice candid streetshot.

Tom said...

...I can see why it's called K-road!

Sharon said...

It sounds like summer has taken hold in your part of the world.

Tigger's Mum said...

You have stinking hot?!? I'm moving to where you are. It's near freezing here in mid-Canterbury.

Iris Flavia said...

Lucky you,-1C here..

Jim said...

Cool reflection.

Paspii said...

Cats took over your pool? That´s first, every cat I ever washed sceamed their lungs out. MEEEEOOOOOOWWW!!!


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...