Thursday, 5 December 2024



I think the whole of New Zealand finally has a taste of Summer. There has been a rumour here that if the red Pohutukawa flowers come out befere Christmas then that means we will have a good Summer season. This tree is known as the country's official iconic Christmas tree.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs.


roentare said...

You certainly got a good weather there

Tom said...

...a nice touch of red!

Bill said...

A nice blue sky to enjoy.

local alien said...

The pohutakawa is lovely. Hopefully a sign of a good summer

Iris Flavia said...

To a great summer!

s.c said...

It looks crazy good. Something we could use just here today with the wet, cold weather.

Sharon said...

Wow, that tree is gorgeous!

Paspii said...

To me that x-mas tree is very exotic. We have spurces as x-mas trees.

Revrunner said...

Looks great, especially since these past several days have been the coldest and windiest we've had since last winter.

DawnTreader said...

Makes sense to me if you try to find Christmas symbols from your own climate zone rather than to just import those from the northern hemisphere :)

doodles n daydreams said...

That's High Street isn't it? The pohutakawa in Cowper St. will be putting on quite a display as well I guess. Lovely 😀

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