Thursday, 12 December 2024

Frosty the Snowman


Seen guarding the entrance of the New World supermarket in Pukekohe - haven't seen too many of him around so far this December. I think you can just see the rainy sky in the reflection of the windows.

It's been an interesting last couple of weeks. New Zealand is meant to be having Summer right now but so far all of the country seems to have 2 sunny days then 2 days of rain. Myself and my family has had a nasty flu that's been going around. My daughter gets bad asthma and it sounded like she was about to get pneumonia so I rushed her to the hospital to wait for an appointment as they were fully booked. She ended up seeing a doctor who said she had a chest infection. Summer flu bugs suck.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday, Lydia's Xmas Linky and Tom's signs.


Fun60 said...

Not a sunny scene. Frosty the snowman suits the weather.

Bill said...

Love seeing good old Frosty. Hope your gets well soon.

Bill said...

Nice to see good old Frosty. Hope you daughter feels better soon.

roentare said...

Because of the flights around the world, all sorts of viruses can travel around

doodles n daydreams said...

Hope your daughter is well and truly over that virus before Christmas. It's so easy to pick up a bug of some sort in the weather we've been having.

s.c said...

Summer and a snowman. A bit strange combination.

DawnTreader said...

I've probably said it before, but snowy Christmas decorations in summer climate alwas seemed rather weird to me ;-)

Tom said...

...I hope that Frosty doesn't melt.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Maybe it's not cold enough for snowmen? ha! Sorry you've been sick. We had 4 friends (not related) cancel concerts - some very expensive ones - due to this flu thing. So sick. One friend missed 3!! About $400 worth of tix! It's def going around. Thanks for joining #Xmaslinky. Hope to see you at the final one next week!

Jim said...


Jocelyn said...

Fun shot.

Sharon said...

Oh's hoping you all get better quickly. I'm sure the grey, rainy weather doesn't help.

Deborah said...

I'm in Australia (Queensland) and it's raining and stormy here as well, though we do get blasts of humid sunshine in between. And yes the summer flu sucks!!!

Light and Voices said...

What a welcoming host, a snowman. Puts a smile on the shoppers face. It also appears like he is guardian of the shopping carts. LOL!

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...