Saturday 28 September 2024



Apartments in Mount Maunganui.

One of the examples of apartments when we use to live in this town - you basically can't buy any property near the beach for less than $1 million NZD now. There's a cafe on the ground level which makes a really nice eggs benedict.

Linking up with Weekend ReflectionsShadow Shot Sunday and the Weekend Roundup.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I guess they are not making any more coastline. I think prices in the US are comparable, depending on the area, for beach apartments.

Bill said...

That's a nice looking apartment building.

James said...

Looks like a nice place but I can't even imagine getting a place like that for that price around here.
In my city an ocean view beach condo would start around 2.5 million, up to 10 million USD. (3.9 million to 15.7 million NZD)

Tom said...

...I like this style!

magiceye said...

Lovely architecture.


  Apartments in Mount Maunganui. One of the examples of apartments when we use to live in this town - you basically can't buy any proper...