Saturday 21 September 2024



I can't remember what road this was down in Ponsonby while we were in Auckland, might've been Pitt Street on the outer edge but while we were walking to our car I spotted the love heart on the outside of the building in the left of the photo. I got me thinking, why would a heart be displayed on a commercial building? Perhaps it's a brothel?

inking up with Weekend ReflectionsShadow Shot Sunday and the Weekend Roundup.


Tigger's Mum said...

Heart or lips?

roentare said...

Maybe some sort of charity?

Tom said...'s lovely tree lined street!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well spotted Amy . I hope you are well and will have a lovely week ahead

magiceye said...

Interesting conclusion.
Loved your header.


  I can't remember what road this was down in Ponsonby while we were in Auckland, might've been Pitt Street on the outer edge but wh...