Thursday, 15 August 2024

More Spring


I'm loving the slightly warmer weather we've been getting here. I snapped this photo last week outside the local library in town after I'd had a haircut. The glass structure to the left is a public telephone box. Spark is one of the main companies in New Zealand who provide telephone/cellphone/internet service. This photo was taken early in the morning so most people at work.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


local alien said...

I'm surprised to see a phone box. I wonder how often it's used. There are none here in greece any more.....that I know of

s.c said...

Wonder how long Spark took on this ad.

roentare said...

The grass mural is rather interesting

Bill said...

I haven't seen a phone booth in years. I did see workers removing a couple of them a few years back.

doodles n daydreams said...

I thought that was the library, I spent hours there as a child although it looked a bit different to what it does now.

Iris Flavia said...

We still have phone booths, too, but not such pretty ones!

Tom said...

...Amy, enjoy your approaching spring.

Photo Cache said...

The shadows are pretty too.

Worth a Thousand Words

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love all the lines and shadows in your photo.
We don't have hardly any working phone booths at all any longer here.

Lisa said...

That's a lovely photo. I love shadows. In fact, you could link this to Shadow Shot Sunday, some others that participate in Skywatch Friday participate.

Paspii said...

A public telephone box? We haven´t have those since 1990´s i.e. when mobile phones was getting popular.


We have new additions to our whanau (family). We acquired 4 chickens from our local farm store. These are named Mike, Rik, Vyvyan and Neil -...