Monday, 26 August 2024



Back when we lived in Tauranga I use to take photos of just about anything and everything. I find everyday life of others quite interested - call me nosey if you want. This is one of the main streets in Mount Maunganui (by the beach) in Winter.

B and I were talking about moving back to the north island after the mortgage is paid and although Tauranga is probably out of our budget it's still a place of interest, the other area I am thinking of is Whangarei perhaps as I have family up that way but it won't be for a few years yet.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


At Home In New Zealand said...

The price of housing in that area is certainly high, but one must admit it is a lovely place to live :)

Veronica Lee said...

I love how you capture everyday moments!
Mount Maunganui looks charming even in winter.
Whangarei sounds like a wonderful choice, especially with family nearby.

Happy Monday, Amy!

roentare said...

Beautiful image in deed

Bill said...

Sounds like you have a plan.

s.c said...

Nice that bench surrounded by plants.

local alien said...

I love your photos. Keep taking them of these everyday street scenes and goings on

Graham Edwards said...

I think I have lived in more places than anyone I know. Make life interesting. I've only lived in two houses in the last half century.

NCSue said...

I like the way the orange theme is carried out in this shot - the flashes of color bringing it all together!
Thanks for sharing at

Pauline said...

I enjoy your photos of daily life where you live, Amy. There are plenty of nice places to choose from around Whangarei.

magiceye said...

Colourful street photo.

Tom said...

...many are becoming priced out of housing!

Klara said...

'by the beach' are the key words for me :-). and, yes, that can be pricy. we looked a bit, out of curiosity, prices of property around here (coastal town in Croatia) and boy...

Sharon said...

Such a pretty street scene.

Iris Flavia said...

If we had today´s technology on our travels of 1995 and 1999 I´d still sort pics - I read you :-) Take pics of all you think it´s worthy!

R's Rue said...


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love taking lots of pictures as well. Yours give us slices of life in your area.

Autumn skies

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