Saturday 31 August 2024



This is one of Greymouth's busy intersections even though this photo was taken after I had finished work later in the afternoon.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Tom said...

I love that building.

roentare said...

Seems to be low traffic at that hour

James said...

Nice view and a cool building. I think "Le Dream" was a Hookah Lounge.

Iris Flavia said...

Love your banner. Our city plants them everywhere around Easter, too. A sign of Spring. Seeing it here... a sign of Autumn, buhuuu.
Not the point, I know. Nice building, too.

local alien said...

What a beautiful old building. I hope theyre keeping it in good nick

s.c said...

That building on the corner is in a style you never find in the Netherlands.

Vicki said...

It looks very regal!

Bill said...

Nice view, at least the traffic flow is very light. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That's a beautiful building Amy. Have a great week ahead

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the beautiful old building Amy. Have a lovely week ahead


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