Tuesday, 30 July 2024



I just noticed the first Daffodil popping up in my front garden. I had bought some earlier this year from my work so it's good to see this, it means Spring is on the way.

And this Kereru aka Pigeon along with his partner has been sitting in the Kowhai tree outside our bedroom. I had thought originally that they were waiting for the flowers to come out but someone updated me yesterday that apparently they like to nibble on the new leaves. 

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Sharon said...

That daffodil is welcome sight to see.

roentare said...

Love daffodils showing up in the cold

Bill said...

Daffodils are always nice to see.

Pauline said...

Hi Amy, One of my neighbour's garden is just bursting with daffs and other spring flowers. They really lift the spirits when its cold and wet.

magiceye said...

Daffodils brighten up any day!

Fun60 said...

When I saw your heading my first thought was 'oh that can't be possible . Then I realised which blog post I was reading..Spring is on its way with you.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Kereru appear to eat an amazing array of different things. I used to love seeing them flying around when we lived out in the country.

gz said...

Small signs of spring...relief!!

Graham Edwards said...

When I lived 6 months of the year in Scotland and six in New Zealand I never saw daffodils. They were one of the things that I really missed.

local alien said...

A very welcome sight and a very happy colour

Tom said...

...daffodils are a spring treasure.

NCSue said...

I love it when spring blooms poke through after what feels like an interminable winter!
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s.c said...

A welcome harbinger of approaching spring.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely to see. (For me, just now, a reminder that over here we'll soon be going towards autumn instead, though...!)

Paspii said...

August is still pretty summery in Finland. But we are heading towards autumn. Nights are dark and warm, soon they´ll be dark and cold. Enjoy your spring!

Anna said...

What a lovely sight to welcome spring! 🌼 Seeing the first daffodil bloom is always such a hopeful reminder of the season’s change. And how wonderful to have the Kereru and its partner gracing your garden with their presence! It’s fascinating to learn about their fondness for new leaves. Thanks for sharing these beautiful glimpses of nature; they truly brighten the day.


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