Just about every city has one of these right? A local YMCA. It reminds me of that song by The Village People but this one has been around for literally years, in fact I remember my parents driving past it when I was growing up.

This one seems to be mainly a large fitness centre. The photo was taken last Spring when we were in Auckland City.

Linking up with All SeasonsMy Sunday Snapshot, The Weekend Roundup and Weekend Reflections.


roentare said…
I would usually avoid YMCA where personal belongings are not secured on site
local alien said…
I stayed in the YWCA 50 years ago when I first went to Wellington to study. It was fine. Called the YDUB?
Tom said…
...when I saw the title, I was expecting the Village Peoples song, YMCA!
DawnTreader said…
I remember the song. I was going to say I don't think we have the organisation here but then I checked and we do, although known by another name. Apparently even in my town there is a basketball team belonging to that organisation.
Iris Flavia said…
Like your new banner and our YMCA is a 10 minutes walk away and always puts my head into song :-)
Now you've given me an "earworm" -- of course I remember the song, only too well ;>).. Yes, many cities in this country have a "Y" -- in our home town in Oregon it is a YWCA though, but same thing, it serves the community with an up to date gym, programs, swimming pool,
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
My wife teaches exercise classes at several places in town. Her favorite is one of the local YMCA's because of the community of the participants in the classes. I like that Y and there is another one on Turkey Mountain in Tulsa which also has a great community. I'm a Y fan.
Jim said…
I have noticed the one in Sydney promoting itself as The Y.
Bill said…
We had one in the town I grew up in.
Paspii said…
Very nice street capture!
Lydia C. Lee said…
I was jealous of your blue sky = but it was Spring....we are grey and freezing at the moment!! Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons
Yes we had one where i used to live in N.Ireland Amy. Have a lovely week ahead
Fun60 said…
I have seen many YMCAs/YWCAs but I've never stayed in one.
vesselsmemories said…
Hi Amy, I also grew up with a YMCA in town. I love the song, seems to still be a favorite at weddings! I see your blog each week from Tom's, this is mine. https://vesselsmemories2.blogspot.com
Veronica Lee said…
I recall that song vividly as well.
Haha, we even had a Malaysian rendition of it for an advertisement during the Malaysian Idol years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Kdvosad9PY

Have a great week ahead, Amy!